
养蚕前准备: 在桑叶上,准备了7天,Jamsil Canju;用强氯精1%喷雾消毒养蚕前,每平方米喷液后半斤,密封24小时,同时,周围的环境要消毒蚕房。 孵化: 一出第八天左右,可以看到鸡蛋末的一个小黑点,叫小绿,一个绿色的鸡蛋,有20%个鸡蛋,有黑斑,从绿色的点开始,第三天早上五点就去掉黑,光敏感的孵化。 收集蚂蚁: 敏感性3-4小时后,春季9日上午,夏季和秋季蚕7-8上午可以蚂蚁。采集蚂蚁的方法是先用桑叶展开,然后切成0片。5 cm square, with leaf weight is about 5 times the amount of ants, dustpan sprinkled with plastic film in the pad on the one hand, one hand rearing silkworm paper, chopsticks, even tap silkworm paper back, the larvae drop dustpan, and then use the feather scraping inspectional, rounded to finishing.